Locate 22
Meet us at booth #25
National Convention Centre Canberra - 31 Constitution Ave, Canberra,
Each year, the Locate conference attracts national and international delegates from within and outside the spatial & surveying industry. As Australia’s premier spatial & surveying conference, Locate provides guests with a unique opportunity to learn about the latest trends and applications in geospatial technologies.
Visit us at booth #25 to explore our full-scale NewSat model, product demos, collateral, swag, and more. Swing by to learn more about:
- Dedicated Satellite Constellation Program, a unique solution for robust geospatial intelligence needs with no infrastructure investments or operational risk
- Hosted Payload Program and high-volume launch cycles for on-orbit technologies
- Daily Collection Access Program for current and reliable imagery coverage, refreshed daily over key areas and points of interest
- Proprietary satellite technology and dynamic EO capabilities
- Panel: Multi-Sensor Constellations
- Speaker: Thomas VanMatre – VP of Global Development
- May 24, 2022 | 15:45-16:00
More information here